Private Art Sessions
We use art in a mindful way to help support your day to day living. Art helps you explore your inner child and practice relaxation and being present in the moment. We all have busy lives, and more than ever our schedules are packed with activities' and 'to do' lists. Art Hugs is a way to give yourself a big hug, and take 5 from that busy to just be.
What do private sessions promote?
To practice art, you don’t need to have any prior experience or be a Creation Master! The process is about being present in the moment, and to self-express through creativity, to find joy in the moment your experiencing, drawing like a child not a professional illustrator, digging into your inner child’s joy, free and being open minded to possibilities of growth and happiness.
We enjoy the quiet of the moment, being thoughtful, noticing our bodies movements, reactions and senses. Letting them guide the task.
Private sessions promote being in the moment, enjoying using the creative process of making art.
Art is a great tool to help with anxiety in all ages, children, teens and adults.
Hannah is a natural healing Art Therapy Practitioner, from Health and Harmony College, with qualifications in both Art therapy (HH Prac.(Art.Th) and Clinical Art therapy studies. She is an independent professional book illustrator and qualified Graphic Designer spanning a 25 year career in the advertising industry before using her skills to help others be more present in the moment.
Hannah runs one-on-one private mindfulness sessions in her Shailer Park based Studio in Brisbane.
Hannah holds a NDIS worker screening card (however we are not an NDIS provider) and Working with Children Blue card, she is a professional member for Art Therapy with the Holistic Health Associates International.

PRIVATE SESSION 1:1 in Studio (30min)
Duration of session 30 min session cost only: $50.00 (includes GST)
These sessions are working 1:1 with Hannah, art is an expressive way to heal and enhance your general health and well being. Join her for a private art session today.
We are not a NDIS provider.
Please contact Hannah through the Arthugs Facebook or email at arthugsheal@gmail.com to confirm a date and time.

1:1 in Studio Private Art Class (1 hour)
Duration of session 1 Hour. $95.00 (includes GST)
These sessions are working 1:1 with Hannah, art is an expressive way to heal and enhance your general health and well being. Join her for a private art session today.
We are not a NDIS provider.
Please contact Hannah through the Arthugs Facebook or email at arthugsheal@gmail.com to confirm a date and time.
Booking availability
9am -12pm
3:30pm - 4:30pm
4:45 - 5:45pm BOOKED
3:30pm - 4pm BOOKED
4pm - 5pm
3:30pm - 4:30pm
4:45pm - 5:45pm BOOKED
12pm - 1pm BOOKED
8am - 9am BOOKED
9am - 10am
10am -11am BOOKED
Please message Hannah to make a booking through either her email, arthugsheal@gmail.com or find her on Facebook through the link at the bottom of the page